calibre works on Windows 8 and 10.
- Downloaded a kindle book to my Mac from my amazon account Running caliber 3.48 on a Mac OS 10.11.6 Installed the KFX-ZIP plugins in calibre Installed the Apprentice Alf’s DeDRM Tools per instructions When I bring book into Calibre and tr.
- The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager - kovidgoyal/calibre. Release version 3.48.0. Release version 3.48.0. Source code (zip).
My Calibre library is located in the Documents folder (not appdata/roaming or local) on Windows 7 (v 3.48), and I can access and modify it from my dual boot Linux Mint on the same machine. Copies of the same library are working on my wife's Windows 10 laptop (same location) and my LMDE laptop with the last version of Calibre.
Version: 5.16.1 What's new
Alternate download location #1
Alternate download location #2
Calibre 3.48.0
While you wait for the download to complete, please consider contributing to support the developmentof calibre.
Calibre 3.48
Previous releases of calibre are available here.
64bit calibre can be installed at the same time as 32bit calibre. The two calibre installs will use the same book library, plugins and settings.
Calibre 3.48 Download
If you are using Windows 7 or Vista please, use calibre 3.48, which works with all Windows 7/Vista machines, from here. Simply un-install calibre and install 3.48, doing so will not affect your books/settings.
Calibre 3.48 Drm
Not possible - I did say I was running it on High Sierra 10.13.6. 3.48 is the latest version I can run without upgrading to Mojave or Catalina. At one point I did try Mojave, but so much broke on my set-up I reverted to High Sierra.
Running in Debug:
Maddys-MacBook-Pro:~ Maddz$ /Applications/ -g
calibre 3.48 embedded-python: True is64bit: True
Darwin-17.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', ')
('Darwin', '17.7.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Oct 30 13:34:27 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4570.71.82.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64')
Python 2.7.15
OSX: ('10.13.6', (', ', '), 'x86_64')
Interface language: en_GB
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (1, 36, 0) && DeDRM (6, 8, 0) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (1, 36, 0) && Set KFX metadata (from KFX Output) (1, 49, 0) && KFX Output (1, 49, 0) && Extract ISBN (1, 5, 0) && View Manager (1, 6, 0) && EpubSplit (3, 0, 0) && Count Pages (1, 11, 0) && Kobo Books (1, 8, 0) && Kindle hi-res covers (0, 5, 0) && Kindle Collections (1, 7, 29) && EpubMerge (2, 11, 0) && Multiple Countries (1, 0, 0) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (1, 36, 0) && KFX Input (1, 36, 0) && KoboTouchExtended (3, 4, 4) && Kobo Utilities (2, 12, 3)
devicePixelRatio: 2.0
logicalDpi: 72.0 x 72.0
physicalDpi: 113.500001705 x 113.500001705
Using calibre Qt style: True
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.02] Showing splash screen...
[0.19] splash screen shown
[0.20] Initializing db...
[14.41] db initialized
[14.41] Constructing main UI...
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
[16.54] main UI initialized...
[16.54] Hiding splash screen
[17.56] splash screen hidden
Maddys-MacBook-Pro:~ Maddz$
Opening with no plug-ins worked first time; opening in debug still dropped me out...