Openpose Unity

OpenPose Unity Plugin is a wrapper of the OpenPose library for Unity users. It provides formatted OpenPose output and some examples. OpenPose is a real-time multi-person system able to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints (in total 135 keypoints) on single images.

In this video I take a deep dive into Python scripting for blender so you can modify the process to work on your own rig. All tools and methods are freely. OpenPose is the first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot key-points (in total 135 key-points) on single images. It was proposed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. They have released in the form of Python code, C implementation and Unity Plugin. Jreisam/Unity-OpenPose-Edutable 4 Joyce511/OpenVinoRealtimeMulti-PersonPoseEstimation.

The OpenPose Unity Plugin project is authored by Tianyi Zhao, Gines Hidalgo, and Yaser Sheikh. Currently, it is being maintained by Tianyi Zhao and Gines Hidalgo.


Demo/tutorial video of the working system.

Tianyi Zhao (left) and Gines Hidalgo (right) testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin


This is an alpha release, everything is subject to change. The plugin will finally be available in Unity Assets store in the future.

Openpose Unity 3d




Body and Foot Estimation

Testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin for body and foot detection

Body, Foot, Face, and Hands Estimation

Testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin for body, foot, face, and hand detection

Openpose demo

Installation, Reinstallation and Uninstallation

Follow the steps in the installation documentation in doc/


Please cite these papers in your publications if it helps your research (the face keypoint detector was trained using the procedure described in [Simon et al. 2017] for hands):

Links to the papers:


OpenPose Unity Plugin is freely available for free non-commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. Please, see the license for further details. Interested in a commercial license? Check this FlintBox link. For commercial queries, use the Directly Contact Organization section from the FlintBox link and also send a copy of that message to Yaser Sheikh.

OpenPose Unity Plugin is a wrapper of the OpenPose library for Unity users. It provides formatted OpenPose output and some examples. OpenPose is a real-time multi-person system able to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints (in total 135 keypoints) on single images.

The OpenPose Unity Plugin project is authored by Tianyi Zhao, Gines Hidalgo, and Yaser Sheikh. Currently, it is being maintained by Tianyi Zhao and Gines Hidalgo.

Demo/tutorial video of the working system.

Tianyi Zhao (left) and Gines Hidalgo (right) testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin


This is an alpha release, everything is subject to change. The plugin will finally be available in Unity Assets store in the future.




Body and Foot Estimation

Testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin for body and foot detection

Body, Foot, Face, and Hands Estimation

Testing the OpenPose Unity Plugin for body, foot, face, and hand detection

Installation, Reinstallation and Uninstallation

Follow the steps in the installation documentation in doc/



Please cite these papers in your publications if it helps your research (the face keypoint detector was trained using the procedure described in [Simon et al. 2017] for hands):

Links to the papers:

Openpose Git


Openpose Unity Animation

OpenPose Unity Plugin is freely available for free non-commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. Please, see the license for further details. Interested in a commercial license? Check this FlintBox link. For commercial queries, use the Directly Contact Organization section from the FlintBox link and also send a copy of that message to Yaser Sheikh.