Protopie Time

Flinto is a Mac app used by top designers around the world to create interactive and animated prototypes of their app designs.

Flinto works with macOS 10.13 and iOS 11.0 or newer.

Animated Transitions

Design transitions between screens using Flinto’s Transition Designer

XMind's interface is uncluttered and easy to overview. It allows for quick, intuitive navigation and use. For example, Enter adds more items to a node, Tab adds a child node, all commonly used shortcuts works as expected, etc. 文章从bi平台的版本迭代路线的四个阶段展开,对bi系统的建设作了简要的分析。希望对你有所帮助。 现在已经进入了大数据时代,每个公司对数据的重视程度都提高到了前所未有的程度,只要是进入到一定规模的公司,不论是考虑到数据的安全性,还是数据的使用效率,都会搭建自己的.


Design micro-interactions using Flinto’s Behavior Designer

Sketch and Figma Support


Import your designs straight from Sketch or Figma

10+ Gestures

Navigate your prototype using taps, swipes, scrolls even 3D touch


Drawing Tools

Design UI right inside Flinto with our advanced vector drawing tools

Easy to Learn

Extensive documentation, active community, 100+ tutorial videos

Viewer App

Preview your work on-device in real-time in Flinto’s iOS app


Add scrolling to any group with a click, create scroll-based animations

Springs and Easing

Fine-tuned control over cubic-bezier or spring easing for each layer


Add haptic feedback that can be felt on an iOS device

Sound Effects

Any gesture can have an audio file attached for UI sound effects

Video Layers

Drag video or GIF files right into your designs

3D Rotation

Create stunning animations with Flinto’s simple 3D rotation tools

Video and GIF Export

Export recordings of your prototype to share or post online

Dribbble Integration

Protopie To Android Studio

Send your recordings directly to Dribbble with fun layout options

Design your own animated transitions in Flinto’s breakthrough Transition Designer. No timelines, no programming, just put stuff where you want it to go.

Design your own transitions like these in the Transition Designer. Control them with direct-manipulation gestures.

Use the Behavior Designer to create micro-interactions within screens. Perfect for things like buttons, switches, looping animations and scroll-based animations.

Protopie To Code

These animations were all created in Flinto’s behavior designer.

Protopie Time Zone

Add scrollable areas with a single click and create impressive scroll-based animations in the behavior designer.

Any group can be made to scroll and they are very customizable, you can even nest scrollable areas inside one another.

Thanks to our clever design, your designs won’t balloon in complexity as they grow. Adding your 100th screen is as easy as adding your first.


Powerful drawing tools allow you to create your own simple mockups in Flinto or edit shapes and text imported from Sketch. You can even animate vector curves.

These drawing and animation sequences were recorded directly from Flinto.

Use Flinto’s Sketch and Figma integrations to import your designs into Flinto. Including vector shapes and editable text.

Test designs immediately on your WiFi-connected iOS device. Send Flinto files to anyone to view with the free iOS viewer or Mac app.

Protopie Support


Flinto grew entirely out of our own experiences building apps. We really care about Flinto and we work hard to make it better every day. Your support means a lot.